"The happiness of the bee and the dolphin is to exist. For man it is to know that and to wonder at it."
Jacques Yves Cousteau
Dec 21, 2011
Hurricane Preparedness Training - Updated
When there is a hurricane, debris and large waves in the lagoon are a threat to dolphin safety. We train the dolphins to come out of the lagoon voluntarily so they are relaxed when we need to move them. We also want the staff to be well-trained in the evacuation procedures so that when it is time to deal with the emergency, they know exactly what to do. In this video, we are training the dolphins to come out of the water onto a platform. This will allow us to take them, one-by-one, on stretchers to the above-ground, indoor pool. The pool is located in a building which is designed to withstand hurricanes up to Class 5, and removal to the building during big storms ensures the animals' safety until the storm passes. We do routine dress-rehearsals for evacuations to ensure that the dolphins know what is happening and can participate without stress.
Ftalatos y Delfines
¿Los cambios en los patrones climáticos expondrán a los delfines a más
sustancias químicas? Un estudio en la bahía de Sarasota, Florida, tiene
como objet...
Dolphin Reproduction
Dolphins, like almost all mammals, give birth to live young, and nurse them
with mammary glands, though it boggles the mind to imagine nursing
underwater. ...
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